Brushing your Pug is generally a pleasant experience for both of you. It’s a good idea to brush you furry friend at least once a week to cut down the hair all over the house.
How to brush a pug the easy way
Determine whether you have a single coated or double coated pug. This will determine the proper grooming routine.
Double-coated pugs need addition maintenance for their undercoat while single-coated pugs will need more care for their skin. Using the correct brush for your pug’s coat type is going to make grooming your pug a lot easier. Keep this in mind when you are forming your plan for how to brush a pug.
Brushing should be a daily habit. If you don’t brush every day, or at least every other day, the amount of hair might drive you crazy.
It usually takes around 15 or 20 minutes of brushing to remove enough hair to make brushing worthwhile. Some experts say to brush until you do not see hair on the brush, but if you have a pug that could take all day! All day brushing is not the easy way to brush a pug.
Brush your pug beginning with the head and neck area then the back and finally moving down to the hind legs.
Go slow and avoid raking the brush with too much force. If this is the initial brushing of your pug, you will notice a great deal of hair, but brushing daily will lead to a bit less each time as you begin to get the shedding under control.
Double coated pugs need a brush that can gently loosen the undercoat.
Work the rake type brush through gently without focusing too much on a single area. It is important to be cautious with the amount of force you use to remove the hair. It is important to be patient. As you brush, you want to spare the skin from any trauma that can cause irritation. Healthy skin means a healthy coat and happy pug.
Finishing with a soft bristle brush after brushing to de-shed can redistribute oils and give the coat a nice polished look.
These brushes only brush the surface of the coat. They provide a nice experience for your pug and can feel like you’re just petting you little buddy. This is beneficial for double coated pugs as it helps the topcoat settle over the undercoat more comfortably.