Why is my pug so fat?


Pugs are one of the dog breeds most prone to obesity. There are many reasons why Pugs get too fat. However, this issue is most often caused by owners that don’t know their Pug’s feeding and exercise needs. The main reasons are:

1. Overfeeding

This is almost always the first answer to the question why is my pug so fat. We all know how much Pugs love to eat and that they are not the least bit picky. They will eat just about anything you give them or anything they can find. Still, this problem is not overeating – it’s the dog’s nature. For instance, if you accidentally leave a food bag within their reach, they’ll eat it non-stop until collapsing.  Remembering that You can’t change their nature, and that if you try, you can’t blame them for failing either! Instead, don’t overfeed them so they don’t indulge in food carelessly. This means limiting treats and making sure the ones you give are healthy.

2. Improper Diet

Pugs need to have proper nutrition, not just be fed. Not all dog foods out there are good for Pugs as the wrong mix of macronutrients will eventually make them fat and often lead to skin issues.  You need to pick a recipe that keeps him well fed, energized, and that has the right amount of fat, carbohydrates, protein, and others to keep him lean.

3. Lack of Exercise

Pugs don’t require a great deal of exercise but they do need some. Because they are a brachycephalic breed they have special needs regarding exercise, especially in hot weather. This doesn’t mean they can’t exercise but instead means that they need a specialized type of exercise with added safety measures to avoid overheating and other issues.

4. Old Age

Golden year Pugs have even more special needs. They have a slower metabolism and lower energy levels (plus, they can be grumpy). That means you’ll need to feed them with fewer calories and better food with low fat and low protein.
One of the great things about this list is that all of the causes are controlled by you! If you make some tweaks in your dog’s routine, you’ll see the changes after a while.

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