What is Reverse Sneezing?

What is that crazy sound my pug is making? Reverse sneezing, or what a vet may refer to as paroxysmal respiration or pharyngeal gag reflex, is actually a spasm. During this spasm, your pug may extend his neck, bulge his eyes, and make loud gasping and snorting sounds.  When this happens their windpipe(trachea) narrows, making it more difficult for him to breath air in and you will probably notice that his chest expands as he tries to inhale more.


It is not uncommon to freak out and google “what is that crazy sound my pug is making” the first time you hear your pug reverse sneeze.  Unfortunately, it can look as if your pug is having a seizure. It may also seem to you that he is somehow inhaling sneezes and choking on them, which gives us the term reverse sneezing. A bout of reverse sneezing typically lasts anything from just a few seconds to a couple of minutes, and your pug should be fine once it stops.


Reverse sneezing syndrome is associated with brachycephalic dog breeds, or breeds with flat faces and short noses, like the pug, English bulldog and Boston terrier. Pugs have a shortened nasal passage and upper respiratory system that cause them general breathing difficulties, hence the pug’s tendency both snort and to snore loudly. Pugs are also prone to irritation of the soft palate and throat, which is a result of their anatomical structure. Often it is this irritation is the cause of what is known as reverse sneezing, although your pug isn’t actually sneezing at all.


What causes reverse sneezing?

The irritants that may cause reverse sneezing to occur will vary from dog to dog. However, in general they are the irritants most often associated with allergies, such as dust, pollen, household cleaners and perfumes. Too much excitement from play or exercise might also trigger an episode, as might eating or drinking too quickly. Generally, you won’t need to take your pug to see his vet about reverse sneezing, but if it becomes more frequent then it is a probably a good idea to get the vet to check for any other underlying causes that might need treatment, such as an allergy. In this case the vet may recommend antihistamines or another course of treatment.






How to Help Your Pug

When your pug has an attack of reverse sneezing, the most important thing you can do is try to help calm them and stop them from getting more excited. Massaging your pug’s throat gently may also help stop them sneezing, also blowing in their face and covering their nostrils with your thumbs encourages them to swallow and get rid of the irritant. This is similar to pinching your own nostrils to stop excessive sneezing. You could also try getting him to drink and remove the irritant that way.


There is no medical treatment for inverted sneezing. It can be sort of scary (terrifying the first time), since it seems as though your buddy is gasping for air, but remember they are generally harmless. Remember, if you stay calm it should help to calm you pug.


When Should You be Concerned?

It’s important to differentiate between your pug choking and reverse sneezing. Signs of choking may include drooling, difficulty breathing and blue(or gray) tinged gums. Immediately consult your pugs veterinarian if your they appear to be choking.  Also, don’t be reluctant to consult a veterinarian if your pug experiences frequent or prolonged reverse sneezing episodes,  seems to have difficulty breathing or has become lethargic (more than usual). Occasionally reverse sneezing can be a symptom of an underlying problem such as allergies, sinusitis or other ailments.



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