Things you need if you are getting a Pug Puppy


The addition of a pug puppy to your family is generally a very happy one.  However, as with any new puppy there can be some issues.  The best way to be sure that small issues with your new Pug do not become big issues is simply to BE PREPARED with your Pug Puppy Supplies.  When we were bringing our sweet Pug puppy, Finn the Pug, home we were not prepared with all the things we would need to help us and him have a smooth transition .  The following is a list of 14 things you are likely going to need if you are getting a Pug Puppy.


  • Harness/Collar – When you are getting a Pug it’s best to go with a harness.  Collars can be damaging to their trachea if they pull too hard. A properly fitted harness is one of the most important things you will need if you are getting a pug puppy





  • A wire pet crate/carrier for your Pug to ride safely in the car or to sleep inside the house and bedding for the carrier to make it comfy.


  • Pee Pads to help prevent accidents when you can’t take your Pug outside.  This is definitely something you need if you are getting a pug puppy


  • Exercise pen or pet gates to keep your Pug puppy from getting into trouble.  You’ll quickly learn this is one of the things you need if you are getting a pug puppy


  • Identification tag to make sure that your Pug can be returned to you if he ever gets lost.  This is a must on the list of things you need if you are getting a pug puppy (also get them microchipped)



  • Nail clippers for dogs to maintain your Pugs paws.  If you are always going to get your pug groomed maybe not important.  If you will be caring for you pug exclusively then nail clippers are way high up on the list of things you need if you are getting a pug puppy


  • Brush to keep your the shedding down and Your Pug’s coat looking healthy.


  • Toothbrush and toothpaste to maintain good Pug dental health


  • Shampoo to keep your Pug clean and smelling fresh.


  • Premium food – Pugs develop allergies and skin issues without proper nutrition


  • Toys, toys, and more toys to keep your Pug happy and having fun.


  • Pooper scooper to pick up your yard and poop bags for walks are essential things you need if you are getting a pug


  • Pet odor remover or carpet cleaner to deal with those housetraining accidents.  This one is more for you than the pug but it is definitely something you need if you are getting a pug




Having these 14 things for your Pug Puppy toolbox on hand will surely make life with your Pug Puppy much easier.  Being prepared when an accident happens or you need to groom your Pug or deal with an emergency will help make the situation as low stress as possible.  After all, we get pets to enjoy and love, we want to spend quality time with them.  A word of caution about your new Pug Puppy.  Prepare to have a second shadow, Pug love their People.  That’s why I love my Pug, Finn, so much – you can’t help but love them back!

