5 Indoor Exercises for the Pug


Finn’s the Pug’s  favorites are guaranteed to please your Pug too!

One of the great things about owning a Pug is that they make great indoor dogs.  If you live in a place where outdoor activities aren’t a realistically viable option for exercise you can still keep your Pug healthy and vibrant with some indoor activities.

Here are some of Finn the Pug’s favorites:



Tug of War 

The classic game, you each take the end of a rope or toy or sock or whatever and you both pull.  Be sure to let the Pug win sometimes though.  No one like to lose every time.


Hide & Seek

This can be played with a treat filled toy or a person. Have your Partner hold your Pug for a few seconds while you run and hide. My Pug, Finn,  loves to play find his human.  Especially if he knows I have a treat.


Obstacle Course 

You can take things around the house and set up a makeshift obstacle course.  Use pillows and blankets and other house – hold  items to make tunnels to run through and small things to jump over.  You can have them chasing a treat to get them interested.  Be careful though, no high jumps or high falls.


Trick Learning 

 Learning new tricks can be a fun and rewarding experience for your Pug.  Use healthy treats to motivate him and be sure to keep your tone light and happy, and this could be a great bonding experience with your Pug.  They LOVE to please their people.  With some patience your Pug will be showing off for everyone you meet.


Treat Dispensing Toys

There are many, many treat dispensing toys on the market.  These function by forcing your Pug work to maneuver the toy in a particular way in order to get the treat dispensed.  A favorite of Finn the Pug is the Kong Wobbler. 


for the pug home

Finn the Pug

The Kong is a great way to make a dog work for his treats.

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